THE PLACE PREPARED FOR YOU by Peet van der Westhuizen
I trust this letter finds you in a place of peace. A peace, which is centered in the core of your identity. Great peace is the absence of any offence. The restoration of that great peace is at the hand of each believer. He leads us by the right way that we may enter into His habitation. The Kingdom of God is an offence less dimension. Love-less, peace-less, unrighteous-ness and many other “ness and lesses” cannot find their way to this dimension.
I am moved by the words of the man who was after the heart of God. It is this very quest for the heart of God that brought him before the gates of Zion. The heart of God cultivates us into the presence of God. It is this velvet cord of love from one heart to another that binds us together. His words caused me to reflect on the value of his statement in my own heart.
David wrote: “Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy House, and the place where Thine honor dwell.” Ps. 26:8
It is from this place of His habitation where He looks upon all the inhabitants of the earth. It is from this glorious atmosphere of His presence where streams of mercy and truth awaken life.
King David made such an impact in his generation and served those entrusted to him with all that he was and had. David dwelled with the sheep, he loved them. He led them in and out from pasture to pasture. In the spirit of this young worshiping boy was a roaming spirit after the One whom he has never met in the flesh. David sought after the heart of his fathers. It was the very presence within him that propelled his desire to dwell in the House of God. His lifelong compassion was to be in the courts of His God.
He felt the slow running olive oil when he was anointed on that day. He remembered when he was taken among his brothers. He had the driving force of his love and honor for God. He loved what and whom God loved. That love was the reason that even God referred to him as being a man after God’s own heart.
This enduring spirit enabled him to find love before and on the other side of a giant named Goliath. In the name of this love he ate his own flesh, would not touch the Kings life and connected to the society of outcasts.
We can relate with King David. You and I, acknowledge the calling, the mandate and our assigning to this age and generation. For every mandate, God gives enough resources and the people that will bring that vision to pass.
The grace of these men and woman create the atmosphere of the spirit. The grace is the power to accomplish the work. Together they inhabit the praises of their God.
You have received your portion of grace. Uniquely designed and purposed from this heart we seek. This grace in the corporate body comes to its fullness when we synchronize and harmonize together. The unity of our love for God is conveyed in our love for one another. David took it one step further and conceded the place and the people that were given unto him.
We believe in the values and founding principles of this family given to us by the Spirit. The world is looking at the Fathers Heart. They are looking at us. They are looking when we gather and where we represent His heart. They are looking for a way in. Through our exercised senses in righteousness, the thoughts of God can be revealed unto this generation. Shepherds with knowledge and understanding guide the flock of God to green pastures, filled with nourishment and life. These shepherds seek the lost, heal the broken and sick.
This love for the family requires dedication, commitment, service and a yielding to God’s heart for our Household of faith.
The Fathers Heart is like an incubator for this generation. Your Quantum Life cannot contain the fullness of the Fathers Heart body. It is a window and portal of who we are, where we are and what we are.
Through our labor of love, we express the joy of the Holy Ghost. Love requires dedication and perfection in what we do. At times we look at our expression in the natural to see who we are in the Spirit. Natural things are the expression of the spiritual. God said that by this the world know that we are His disciples, when we love one another. This love is tangible. Such a love shows in the natural. We can hear, see and feel this love. The opposite is also true. Neglect and deterioration is a sign of a loss of passion. The com (with)-passion is lost. We can, should and will act swiftly to eliminate any symptom of reduced quality or strength. We take care of things we care about.
The words of King David still echoes in my heart: “For the zeal of Thine house hath eaten me up: and the reproaches of them that reproached Thee are fallen upon me”.
The presence of God consumed David. He felt overtaken by his zeal.
The life of the Kingdom should inspire us with more excellence in the natural. Kingdom ministry does not undo, forsake or neglect the House of God or the gathering of the saints. The House of God is still a habitation of His presence and the place where honor should dwell.
Let the world experience the presence and honor. The Fathers Heart Family is a place of manifested presence and honor. So are you, wherever you may dwell. Our love for God is all about touching His heart through our obedience. The love of God is about reaching out and expressing the abounding love that we have been touched with. Our friends, family and relations will have the benefit of our response because of our love for God.
Let us submit our hearts in prayer before God and consider our love for His People and House, both personally and corporately.
The prayer of the beloved of God has become my prayer also; “Lord, I love the habitation of Thy House and the place where Your honor dwell.”
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