Premiering April 22, 2021, at 7:00 pm (cst), “Death of a Dream”.
“The Death of a Dream”, a powerful message from the Lord, given by Dr. Mark Hanby, to fathers, who are tapping into the third dimension adoption of sons of God. These sons are kingdom ambassadors.
In this time many feel separated. Many pastors feel as if their ministry is failing, because attendance is low and their ideas of ministry aren’t coming into fruition.
A Dream is not eternal. There are many dreams we have but all are not everlasting. In order for greater dreams to live, lesser dreams must die, much like Jesus, who went before us. He is the prison door opener, who had to die, even though many knew Him only after the flesh, causing them to experience the death of “their dream”. Because He went away the Spirit did not leave us comfortless. If He hadn’t endured death on the cross humanity would have only been able to look upon Him, never becoming sons.