Mark and others on the “Your Quantum Life” website may or may not be in agreement with the statements made in this and future articles. That is because those at “Your Quantum Life” are willing to accept possible doctrinal variances if it generates greater spiritual understanding. We know that only desire for love and relationship will allow for greater doctrinal clarity.
The following is a project that Active Living Ministries has been pursuing. Hopefully it will have some application for you.
Hello fellow travelers to the Kingdom of God!
If you are reading this let it be at a time and in a place where you can fully assimilate and meditate on its contents. This is the year to be freed from any chain that fetters you to emotions, thoughts, responses and conditions that hinder you from being the person God created you to be. The tentacles of the natural mind that may be keeping you tied to earthly realms rather than living triumphantly in the heavens may be cut by the power of God if and only if you apply yourself to the grace given ALM this year.
The grace given ALM? Yes because, as with other biblical examples, this grace is not given to individuals but is a grace that comes only through the vessel He chooses, which in this case is the ALM Body. I say if because it will not happen just because we wish it could or because we engage in a half hearted effort, hoping things might be different but never discovering or doing the corresponding will of God. God is not moved by our complaining or our loud cries or our desperate situation but by our faith! This will happen to those who give their hearts fully to applying the grace of God for the recreation in their life of His first day.
Maybe you just can’t seem to get free from persistent feelings of inadequacy or rejection.
Maybe you carry grudges and improper attitudes toward others and don’t know why or how to stop.
Maybe you’ve been living the whole of your life in fear of being exposed or humiliated.
Maybe your are thinking of yourself more highly than you ought.
Maybe you have an addiction, such as pornography or bulimia and can never quite seem to overcome its grip. You live victorious for a while only to become its victim once more all the while living in the fear that others may discover your weakness.
Maybe relationship with another individual or spouse has grown cold and you don’t know why you can’t rekindle it or even if you want to do so.
Maybe you’ve accepted 21st Century attitudes about sexual behavior and yield to its impulses conditioning your mind that such behavior has no real consequences.
Maybe you just don’t know what hinders you but you know something is there and you want to be released.
Or Maybe you, like much of the world, have been trying to deal with life’s pressures through psychology or positive thinking or self-help programs because biblical understanding and solutions seem to allude you.
As God transitions us toward the Kingdom, this year is the first day of His re-creation in us. Our transformation will not come through human might, power or wisdom but through utilizing faith in His Spirit. God will do this sovereignly for all active participants. In future days of His re-creation He will change our spiritual environment, bring forth fruit, utilize us in replenishing His government and many such things, but this year is a year of personal transformation. I will speak more on this later in this email.
I purpose in the upcoming months to use a weekly email more than a Sunday morning message to speak with you about what God is saying to us and what course of action we should follow. This of course will require you to actually read and digest the emails but it will allow those interested to ponder the word in a manner and at a time that is most desirable for each. It will also give you time to weigh the word and meditate more fully on whatever it is that God may be saying through it. It will also allow us to communicate regarding various subjects raised and to bring clarification to what is said. So if you have any questions or insights to share please respond. I need to hear what God is saying to you as much as to share what He has given me, by virtue of my ministry office, for you.
Let me once again welcome Pastor Dan and Tina as the supervising pastors of ALM. Pastor Dan spoke poignantly, this past Sunday, as he described the process of anointing that comes down from the head to the hem of the garment. The reason many walk only in fractional portions of anointing rather than full anointing is that they fail to submit properly to headship. Full anointing can only come through the unity of the brethren and that unity will manifest as the true Body of Christ, described in Psalms 133.
This is one reason I am so pleased and proud of each of you, because you place real significance on becoming the Body of Christ and not just lip service, so God in His glory will come to you. To reach the hem of the garment, the oil (the anointing) had to travel from God to the head (our submission to spiritual authority this authority is not just a person but the authority of the Spirit within us), to the beard (our maturity), to the garment (our covering). It is true that the five-fold ministry provides covering but I sense that the covering we give to each other is even of more importance in the flow of anointing to each of us.
I’ve known for years that God’s intention in the earth will not be accomplished by weekly sermons, worship services and study courses alone. These, and other activities, are very important but only a means and not an end of what He desires to do. The end of what we call church is not to get people “saved” and have them fill church buildings waiting for a time of escape. The end of the church (the church age or the second dimension) is to bring forth the Kingdom (the third dimension of God). This is where He is taking us at ALM over the next 6+ years.
Now let me advise you that the road will not always be easy because God is using us to survey the course, grade the path and pave the way that Jesus described in the gospels. Much of the remainder of this decade will be devoted to forging this road and making it passable for ourselves and all who can see its’ destination. So if you are looking for everyone to agree with what we are doing or pat us on the back for our efforts, you will be greatly disillusioned. Religion always dies fighting, kicking and screaming. Evil does not easily give up its grip but it cannot long resist the power of a people who know their God, love each other and submit to His will.
When God makes a dramatic and unalterable shift in His approach toward man He always uses a remnant. Noah and seven other family members out of the entire pre-flood population to replenish the earth; Abraham, one man out of a world of idolaters to establish a family structure for God; the remnant of Israel who left Babylon to dare restore Jerusalem, the city of God. So like these, we at ALM are a residue left in the earth, who along with the remnant of God throughout the world will usher in a new and glorious day.
A couple of weeks ago I spoke and wrote to you about two general areas of direction for ALM over the next 6+ years. One was a very simplified understanding of how this time will break down along generational lines. The other related to how each of the upcoming years will mirror one of the 7 days of creation. I would like to speak further about the first day of creation since in type of what we are to be about this year.
God is in the process of a re-creation. It is not another creation but a reforming of man’s day by the bringing forth of a new day—His day.
I have always followed, what for me is a very simple way of reasoning when trying to understand what is God and what is not God and that reasoning, in part, is as follows: “If it don’t work, it don’t work and if it is God then it works so don’t say its God if it don’t work!” Yet religion is constantly trying to get people to follow its dictates regardless of whether their brand produces any true results. Various religions, motivational speakers, self-help gurus and modern day intellectuals are continually saying “try this it really works”, when in truth, it just don’t work.
Because God has been marginalized in the world and his Word neglected we are in a time when, like the 400 silent years before Jesus, God in most places is silent. Much of Christianity has become as Israel in the closing days of Eli, where the glory of God departed the temple and yet the priests for years continued to hold church down in Shiloh, where the Tabernacle was located, and yet the ark (the type of the presence of God) was no longer there. They offered sacrifices and prayers to a God that was absent.
We in ALM, along with many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world, are the remnant of His restoration. The Kingdom will not come through well meaning Christians or gifted Christians acting on their own but only through a Body. Jesus said, a body hast thou prepared for me. Not a following of Christians but a Body was prepared for Jesus to bring about His return. The ark only came back into David’s tabernacle, (a type of the transitional church) when David’s remnant followed the proper order. So we must learn and follow this order as well.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1:1-5.
Let me cast an understanding upon this first day of creation as it relates to our present re-creation. In the beginning of the transition to the new day there will be a clear line drawn within each of us between what is of heaven, (God) and what is of earth, (man). This line today is very blurred. All kinds of voices speaking all kinds of things, each portraying that they know what God is saying and what everybody else should do yet in reality we as a world have entered Babylon (Baby-land) where confusion reigns.
The present earth is without form, that is, it has not taken on the form of the Kingdom of God. It is void or empty of obedience and submission to His will and great darkness has fallen upon the minds and hearts of its inhabitants. The day of Isaiah’s prophecy has returned to the earth when he said; Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Today those that stand for biblical truth are increasingly called evil and those that oppose biblical truth (eg. supporters of abortion, gay marriage, fornication, adultery, situational ethics etc.) are called good.
But the Spirit of God is moving upon the face of the waters, meaning He is reestablishing the revelation of His Word. He is not doing that in the world but within each of us who seek His Kingdom. God is saying; Let there be light. He is causing light to enter us this year to take away any darkness or void that may exist. Before we as a people can bring about the remaining days of the re-creation we must first receive the full blessing of the first day—all light. Within us He is making a division. He is giving us clear distinction and understanding of what is light and what is darkness. Light brings the day but darkness brings night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day. God’s Kingdom is the direct opposite of man’s world. Our day begins with morning and ends with nighttime but God starts each day with evening and ends with morning. This is a way of saying that we go from darkness to light. At the end of this day, those of us from ALM who set our minds and hearts to the work will traverse from any darkness that remains within, to light. When we do this and only when we do this will we be ready for the second day of His re-creation.
Our Prayer:
Father grant me the love for you and for one another that will allow the light of the first day of re-creation to enter my soul and body (my body of ALM). As You do this Your light will bring understanding. I will begin to see things as they really are. I will see myself as you see me and not in any darkness others have placed upon me or I have placed upon myself. I am a unique and powerful individual. Nothing that is of falsehood or lacks truth can remain in me. My brothers and sisters are praying for me and I for them. I do not stand alone or face life alone but walk in peace together with a mighty company of fellow believers. You have given ALM grace to bring forth the re-creation of this first day. I ask for and accept this grace and I pray that as I or others may have hindrance to receiving this grace You by your mercy and truth may cause us to walk in it.
And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. Jesus You are always willing to heal your servants. You will come and heal the world but before You come You will speak the word and we will be healed. This is something we cannot do for ourselves but you are willing to do for us. Say the word only and I and my brothers and sisters shall be healed. You release us. You may not do this all at one time but incrementally over the course of this year, for with our healing you want to also bring instruction an understanding. However You do it Lord, we know that You will do it and bring us to the morning of this first day. Thanks and praise to you Jesus.
Let me hear your thoughts and questions. I desire to hear you insights. His full blessing and the power of His might be upon you, RJRSR
Next Article: Bringing forth the first day of the re-creation
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