GENERATIONAL WEALTH by Peet van der West Huizen, South Africa
We often consider history as something of the past and therefore we neglect to make history in the present.
A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.~PROVERBS13:22
The first thought that comes to mind when the word: wealth, is mentioned, is currency. I would like to introduce you to the wealth of your health, your friendships, the undeserving favors of each day, all the senses and abilities that you have and the wealth of creation itself.
You have a wealth of hidden treasures, right on the inside. In righteousness we redeem our destined wealth.
The human tendency is to complain about what we do not have and about what we lack. We entered into this world with so much to give; yet we possessed nothing but life itself. We gave joy, contentment and so much more to those gathered around us. We were the hopes and dreams of those who longed for life. Man’s giving was always imbedded in who and what we are rather than in what we have materially. The Kingdom principle in accumulating and increase is found in the spirit of giving. The deepest part of giving is in who you are. God gave, Jesus gave and so do we.
In our discovery of who we are, we meet precious people along the way. People add to your wealth as you just let them be who they are. We are surrounded by possibilities of discovering the opulence in life. Every opportunity is a portal to something. That something is determined by how we deal with what we experience. It is more important what happens within us than what happens to us. Even the devious curve ball is an opportunity for scoring big time. Certain times you may experience something that’s bad at the time but it happened for a very good reason and outcome. All things work together for the good in your life. I would like to translate this word: together to to-gather, for a moment. We gather many things in life yet we also lose so many. Loss is always attached to some negative experience. In fact, because of the effect of association we tend to lose interest, attention and that can easily lead to loss. Loss begets loss without breaking the cycle. Connecting to righteousness realigns us to our course.
I am reminded of a young man who was so caught up in his broken relationship with his alcoholic father that he never found the wealth beyond his perception of all his father’s unrighteousness. It was only in the graceful acceptance of his own frail humanity that he could forgive and discover love and life beyond the bondage of fear and rejection. The grace revealed within this young man enabled him to mine wealth from the fields of his once broken relationship. Once again the wealth was restored.
When elderly people prepare to downscale on life they often need someone to transfer their wealth into, the heart and mind of someone who will value the treasures of their hearts and life’s. Younger generations sometimes want nothing to do with what their parents had or who they were. The wealth and transference of such a relationship was lost. The 110 years old furniture, the memories and the means to wealth were crippled. I earlier mentioned about a cycle of loss. We all live, buy a house, furniture, a car and whatever we accumulate in life. One after the other generation we all start over and so the cycle goes. What if the third generation can live on the ‘to-gatherings” of the first generation?
The story is told of the carob trees and is a pattern to our modern day society of perpetual blessing or generational blessing. The carob tree used to take seventy years before it bared fruit. The fruit was ready to be harvested after seventy years of dedicated nurturing and care. During the seventy years of faithfully tending to a tree without having any benefit of it, one is reminded of what someone else did for you seventy years ago. When we engage ourselves for generational wealth our grateful spirit and attitude uphold us in our role to be played. It takes one generational disconnection to abrupt the flow. It means that in most instances the grandfather laid up the wealth of the harvest for his grandchildren. This underlines the importance of consecutive generations providing for the next generation. It takes one generation to drop the baton for all the wealth to be lost. To recover the generation blessing it will also take at least three generations to work towards recovering such a harvest.
Wealth has a lot to do with inner peace, with honor and with strong generational connection.
Along with the rich words and life’s experiences of a previous generation comes all that they accumulated as well. The abundance will be even more so in the third and fourth generation. We are destined for wealth in all three dimensions of our being. Bodily, we recover our wealth to health and longevity. In our souls we find wellness and wholeness. Spiritually, we discover the wealth of our true identity.
We always refer to father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Joseph being the fourth generation, was richly blessed and carried the manifested nature of multiplication and increase. Even when Jacob seemingly had nothing or no one, he was still the son of the generational promise. Things came to pass in Jacob’s life that was once only a word to his grandfather. The wealth of the spirit was recovered when the natural wells of the fathers were reclaimed and discovered. One can so easily become estranged to your inheritance when you lose the cause or purpose of your life through unrighteousness. It is therefore crucial to reconnect the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the sons to the fathers. It was the Son of God who presented the heart of His Father. Proper connection affirms proper wealth. The fruit of the tree is within the nurturing of the root. If there is no root, there can’t be any fruit. Life doesn’t start with the fruit. The mature ripened fruit will always grow from a root. Be filled with fruits of righteousness.
It’s time for this generation to properly connect and return to our roots in being the fruit of our spiritual wealth.
It has always been God’s PLAN TO PROVIDE for man. The man who only takes will be empty when he’s finally AWAKE.
The true meaning for living is nested in the MINDSET OF GIVING. If you seek for the wealth of life, then commence on your journey WITHOUT ANY STRIFE.
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