I delight in your days… That I created for you… Moment by moment. I desire you to enjoy… The WORKS of your hands… And… the PAUSES as you rest. Allow events of your days… To be as sweet MUSIC played… Unto Me, and I… Will receive it as WORSHIP! My Response: Lord, May I worship […]
Archives for 2014
I am God that heals, cleanses, and… Transforms you INTO MY IMAGE! It is not by your self-work, but by… The ACTION OF MY SPIRIT, Who dwells in you! You cannot redeem yourself– For Redemption comes only from Me. You yield to the work of My Hands and…. I FASHION YOU according to My will— […]
I am the Alpha and Omega— The Beginning and the victorious REWARD– Of your life’s journey! I am the Ability—the Grace– That strengthens and enables you– To live pleasing to Me day by day. I am your LIFE— Outside of Me are only DEAD WORKS. I AM your SURE REWARD– All you will ever need— […]
I am your Righteousness. You have received My Spirit and– I will manifest Myself through you. I Am ABUNDANT LIFE— And will not lie dormant! I will rise up, even as I raised the body of Jesus. I will NOT BE RESTRAINED, But will accomplish the purpose– For which I have taken up residence in […]
In an unstable world— I Am your Stability. Nothing that comes to pass will shake you— Because I uphold you! My peace and My power are unshakable! I am the Rock on which your life is built. I hold you fast by My strong love. There is no reason to fear– For you are in […]
I am where you are— Fully aware of you And the place where you reside. I am acquainted with— All the works of your hands And every path you travel. Your thoughts, desires, and ambitions— Are an open book before Me. When you reach for Me— My Spirit automatically envelops you. Nothing concerning you is […]
I restore your soul— Your thoughts, your emotions, Your feeling of well-being. I refresh and replenish your inner spirit— With My love, My peace, and My joy. I am a Fountain of Living Water in you— That never runs dry, no matter, What the outward circumstances may be. You may partake of My supply – […]
My Presence and Power are in every place! Those acquainted with Me— Have a “Receptor”–the Holy Spirit,— To sense that I am manifesting Myself. Those who seek Me and feel after Me –find Me. I am “at hand”—completely surrounding all your ways. In Me you live and move: I know your thoughts— I hear your […]
Your expectation of Me is too small! It does not even slightly compare with My Greatness! Allow Me to enlarge your vision. I love you immensely— I humbled Myself and became human— So, I could give My ALL for you–withholding nothing! I did this—not to be a “crutch” for your humanity— But to replace all […]
As you press into Me— All things I have ordained for your life will come to pass! All good gifts, all fruitfulness, abundant living— The expanse of My Kingdom through and around you— All come from direct contact with My Holy Spirit! When I connect with My people— Mighty things happen! As you draw near […]
(I feel “you” in the following inspiration applies… To all who have been filled with the Spirit of God) I am not far from you! You do not have to ascend… Into Heaven to bring Me down— Nor descend into the depths… To bring Me up. I am as near as the words in your […]
I Am that I Am—TODAY, I Am God!
I Am the Creator of the Past and… The Restorer of the Future, But, TODAY— I Am taking broken fragments of lives… And making them WHOLE! I Am taking discord and turning it into… A marvelous SYMPHONY OF HARMONY! I Am transforming human inadequate reasoning… Into DIVINE WISDOM! I Am changing frail weakness into … […]
Before you were formed in the womb, I prepared all the circumstances of your life. That which My Hands make… Can bare the highest label— “MADE BY GOD!” Do you realize that what I build… Is FAR ABOVE what mankind can produce? I do not function according to man’s abilities. My works are SUPERNATURAL, MIRACULOUS, […]
MY ETERNAL PURPOSE is marvelous… And will be established! Mankind strives to bring about their ideals… And impose them on the whole world, However, they cannot succeed! The WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE are found… ONLY IN ME! The best of their plans DO NOT COMPARE… Even slightly with MINE! Human ways will NOT ENDURE. […]
I am absolutely acquainted… With ALL your ways! I not only know about them… But am INITIATING and FULFILLING them. This work of My Spirit… May many times be OBSCURE to you, But even one of Job’s friends… Spoke truth when he said, “ACQUAINT NOW THYSELF WITH HIM… AND BE AT PEACE”! As you become […]
You can not accomplish… My plan and purpose. I WILL FULFILL IT through you! REST in MY POWER in you… Not in your feeble efforts. Do not strive nor strain. FLOW in My Spirit. You are not in a stagnant pool, But in a FRESH FLOWING… VIBRANT STREAM… That is LIFE GIVING! You may not […]
Prayer declaration for this Week!
Hebrews 13:20,21- Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you complete and equip you in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through […]
The Priests (shepherds) and the Prophets (seers)!
I. Samuel 3:1-3- Now the boy Samuel ministered to the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare (precious) in those days; there was no widespread revelation (open vision). And it came to pass at that time, while Eli was lying down in His place, and when his eyes had begun to […]
Fathering couples are spiritual parents (male and female) who have been called, confirmed, and commissioned by the Holy Spirit of God to “father and mother” i.e. be a progenitor, generating the source for spiritual application and impartation into sons and daughters, those who have first been received as “children of God” and who have become […]